How to Draw a Monkey Step-By-Step


With the appropriate tutorial and practice, learning to draw a monkey doesn’t need to be difficult, as many online art classes and books focus on drawing monkeys as examples. YouTube provides numerous video lessons, online art classes, and books devoted to drawing them – you may even find some online.

Begin by drawing a freehand circle to guide your monkey’s head. Next, draw two small half circles as ears on either side.

Table of Contents


Animal drawing as a learning activity allows children to familiarize themselves with various species and learn interesting facts about them while simultaneously building imagination, creativity, visualization skills, and confidence when drawing different shapes or outlines.

Step one in learning how to draw a monkey is creating its head. For this step, draw a circular shape for the head followed by an ellipse on top. Next, sketch in its neck and tail using curves under it.

Once you’ve drawn the basic shapes, erase any inner lines and widen the ellipse to make room for monkey eyes. Next, sketch an upside-down number, “3,” with two circles within. Next add a nose by drawing an upside-down number “3”, sketch a teardrop-shaped mouth below the nose, add a smile by drawing teardrop-shaped lips below the nose, and finally, complete this adorable face by tracing two elongated loops as ears –

Draw two small ovals for the arms and legs. Add a tummy and tail as desired, along with any extra details you like, such as horns or beaks, for more realistic effects.

As for hands, use a basic “B” shape with some straight lines for the fingers and an arching “C” for the thumb. If drawing a monkey holding bananas, you could add circles as fruit. Close up feet by sketching rounded toes; add detail by drawing an ellipse with curvier lines and circles as whiskers on the tail.


If you want your monkey to look realistic, study reference images. This will enable you to comprehend its specific details and textures better; drawing more will only strengthen your skills. The practice also pays dividends; the more often you pull, the better your results become. Alternatively, an art class may teach you how to draw monkeys correctly.

Begin by sketching two circles as guides for the head and body of your monkey, using any two circular shapes (they don’t need to be perfect circles, just close in size) as guides. Add long, curved lines on either side of his head for ears; another curved line below him makes up his neck; for legs, you could draw long rectangles or circles with “U”-shaped feet at their ends – don’t forget a tail!

Monkeys possess enormous thumbs on both their hands and feet, which allows them to grip branches or perform tricks with ease quickly. To draw one, mark the wrist line with a curve. On your upper palm, draw an arch of three bent letter “B” shapes; on your lower palm, draw short straight lines representing each finger.

To finish your drawing of a monkey’s face, add detail with “C”-shaped lines for his nose and eyes and some curved lines to emphasize them. Also, add wide “U” shaped lips and draw a “U”-shaped mouth and an additional tuft of hair at the crown of his head. Finally, shade and add color by trying different shades until your drawing resembles an authentic-looking monkey!


There are more than 260 species of monkey. Some, like mandrills and baboons, can grow large enough for mandrills or baboons; others, like pygmy marmosets, can be pretty small. All monkeys feature long, thick tails; some species possess fur while others do not (including some that lack it entirely!). Most brown-fleshed monkeys feature tan markings, while white-furred snow monkeys or baboons have white fur.

Start by drawing a kidney-bean shape for a simple cartoon monkey’s body, then add two ovals on either side for ears. After sketching eyebrows and nose curved lines with your pencil pen, draw two ovals on either side to represent ears on either side and add two more ovals as ears on either side to complete it all off. Next, add two U-shaped lines for the mouth before coloring your drawing with details in eyes, ears, fingers, and toes before erasing any pencil lines you don’t wish to keep before coloring it!

Draw arms using curved lines with tufts of fur at their elbows. Draw legs using overlapping curved lines enclosing knees and feet before drawing zigzag lines across ankles for each. Finally, pull the tail using long and thick lines. To add details in eyes, ears, hands, and feet, you may wish to practice different sketches or take an art class to advance your skills further – with practice; you’ll soon be drawing an adorable monkey of your own in no time! This tutorial offers an ideal introduction to how-to-draw-monkey that even kids or beginners will enjoy drawing their first monkey! Grab paper and pencil, and let’s get going!


Monkeys have long, prehensile tails that you can sketch quickly on paper. To create the bottom, draw a peanut shape within the outline of their body. Use curved lines to give this form an appearance of furriness. Another method is extending a long, curved line from their body and doubling back upon itself.

After this step, draw a deformed oval as the monkey’s head. Add details to its face, such as incomplete oval ears and eye outlines, before outlining both mouth and nostrils with curved lines for mouth and nostrils and adding tufts of hair at the top of its head.

To complete a monkey, add his hands to the front portion of his body using curved lines to depict his fingers and extend both legs and feet accordingly. You could add detail by sketching small circles at each foot base for added dimension.

There are various approaches to drawing a Monkeys Tail or wreathing volute, but the one shown here is an ideal option. It provides a consistent result that works well in most situations and scales quickly in CAD programs; you could even easily replace an existing handrail using this profile! For these reasons and more, pre-drawn options offer significant time savings while letting you focus on other aspects of design instead of trying to work out all the geometry yourself – saving valuable design time while giving more attention to other elements.


Drawing is an excellent activity for children of all ages that engages their minds while teaching patience and perseverance. These easy monkey drawing instructions make this fun activity accessible; children can easily create adorable monkey pictures! These step-by-step tutorials help children master basic drawing techniques and develop an eye for detail.

Start by sketching a small freehand circle for the monkey’s head. On either side of it, draw two small figures connected by oval shapes to form its body. Children should use pencils for rough draft sketches but switch to darker media, such as markers or black crayons when it comes time for final drawings to prevent their artwork from getting washed out when they erase their pencil outlines.

Once again, start filling out your limbs. Start with the arms by drawing an oval for shoulders that narrows into a stick-like elbow shape, drawing another curved line to mark the waistline of the hand, and removing “C” shapes with short straight lines to suggest thumbs – just as monkeys have enormous gripping thumbs to enable various tricks!

Once the legs are done, move onto the legs. Draw two curved lines for the knees; on the feet, draw long planes with rounded toes. Finally, complete your limbs by adding more details to both feet and hands: add circles at each finger/toe base to give it volume; draw two curved lines that resemble the letter “B” palms for palms as well as multiple curved lines to complete thumbs – this should meet all your limbs!