How to Do Y Raise and Graph It


The Y raise is an upper-body exercise designed to strengthen and sculpt shoulders and back muscles, especially your rotator cuff muscles and lower traps. It can be performed standing, on an inclined bench, or using a Swiss ball.

First, To determine a line’s slope, write its equation in slope-intercept form. From there, calculate its rise over run to find its slope.


Graphing is an increasingly popular way to explore mathematics and numbers. A graph is a diagram that organizes data, providing an easy way to show relationships among variables. It is beneficial when dealing with too much or too complex information to express in words; moreover, it makes visual presentations much easier!

Graphs typically feature two lines: the bottom-to-side line known as the x-axis and its opposite on the side referred to as the y-axis; where they cross is known as the origin (usually labeled (0, 0). They may also feature additional details about specific variables; pie charts and bar graphs provide practical ways of representing that data visually.

Step one in creating a graph involves selecting the values you wish to display and deciding what type of graph best matches that data. For instance, pie charts might work best when showing which family members prefer comedy movies versus drama movies or action flicks, while line graphs might work better when charting rainfall over time in one city.

When designing an actual graph, it is important to select colors or patterns that will enable your audience to comprehend the information being displayed. Any unnecessary decorations that do not contribute to clarity of information should be avoided; green might represent rain in tropical regions, while brown could mean rainfall in desert regions.

Once your axes and data have been laid out, you can examine it more closely. Generally, independent variables belong on the x-axis, while dependent variables should sit on the y-axis; depending on your graph, you may need to label both with names or numbers to understand what each point represents before looking at each line’s slope for further insights.


A line’s slope also called its gradient or steepness, is the ratio between changes in the vertical position of one point compared to the horizontal distance between two points. Calculate this ratio using the coordinates of both points as data sources. The resultant number expresses how steeply inclined this line is and is usually signified by the letter m indicating its steepness. Y-intercepts (points where the line crosses the y-axis) can also be included as input when making this calculation.

Plotting the line on a coordinate plane and using the slope formula y = mx + b will help determine its slope, where m represents its slope and b is its y-intercept. This equation of any straight line works similarly: lines with positive slopes rise from left to right on their graph while those with negative ones fall.

Calculating a line’s slope requires knowing both its x and y coordinates for any point on it; to do this, for example, if given (0, 5) and (4, 2) as points, you could write an equation such as y = (x + 1) * mx + b where m is representing its slope and b is its y-intercept.

Once you have this information, replace the y-intercept with the coordinate of the point in question and solve for m. Depending on how your coordinates are ordered, rearrangement may be required, but is usually unnecessary.


Intercepts are essential components of linear functions. Intercepts mark where one line intersects with either coordinate plane axes (x,y, or both). Depending on how it’s oriented on a graph, there may be more than one x-intercept or multiple y-intercepts.

When presented with an algebraic formula for a line, you might be asked to find its y-intercept value. There are various approaches for this; one method is substituting this equation into a graph and identifying where the line crosses over on the axis.

Alternatively, you can use slope to determine the y-intercept. A line with a positive slope rises from left to right while one with a negative slope falls left to right; to find its y-intercept, calculate the difference in coordinates of its two endpoints and subtract this figure from 1.

If you have the points on a line graph and its slope, centering can help create an equation for it. Centering takes advantage of mean or other meaningful values of x-coordinates before subtracting a constant value to derive new ones that serve as the y-coordinate in an equation for that line.

Another method for finding the y-intercept is converting given information into slope-intercept form, or y = mx + b. Once you know where the y-intercept of a straight line lies, solving for its x-intercept is necessary to graph correctly.


An equation is a mathematical statement of equality that suggests some relationship between two variables. It may contain one variable or more and take various forms such as straight line, triangle, quadrilateral, or obtuse triangle. When more than one variable is involved, it is a multivariate equation.

An equation must always remain balanced; if something is added on one side of the equal sign, something must be subtracted on the other side to maintain equilibrium. You could think of adding and subtracting as adding weights onto both sides of a scale until both are equal – then, when both read zero, you have successfully solved your equation!

Creating a graph is straightforward once you have an equation containing a slope and a y-intercept. Simply identify where your line crosses over onto the y-axis; calculate its y-value; this value equals your y-intercept value; use a pencil or pen to mark that location on a grid and draw dots where appropriate – even using different colored pens/pencils can mark other lines separately!

However, if all that’s known about your line is its slope and not its y-intercept, you can still discover its equation. One effective strategy is to connect two points on it using a slope triangle, giving you its slope – or change in y over change in x. Once this information has been established, plug it into an equation like y = mx + b to arrive at its answer for your equation of the line.

Alternatively, if all you have is the slope but no y-intercept, another method must be employed to find it. One way is to locate where your line intersects the y-axis and draw a dot on your graph before using a pencil or marker to draw the segment between that dot and its point of intersection and your starting point.