Categories: Technology

International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology

The International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology is dedicated to publishing research in all fields related to intelligent transportation systems. It serves many scholars and specialists from multiple areas, including transportation engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering, policy planning economics, and psychology.

IJTST seeks articles that advance science and technology to enhance personal and freight transportation systems’ safety, efficiency, reliability, resilience, and sustainability.

Impact Index (IS)

The Impact Index (IS) is a metric used to gauge the relative importance of scientific journals. It considers how often articles published within that journal were cited over time; thus, its magnitude indicates its influence. The calculation involves dividing the total number of citations received per year by the total number of articles published annually within the journal.

ISI publishes the Journal Citation Report, ranking science and technology journals. Researchers and librarians may use this metric, but it’s not the only available metric to gauge journal quality; other citation metrics like H-index can also be utilized, such as an individual researcher’s productivity/citations index score.

Various other methods are available for measuring a journal’s impact, including evaluating its articles for citation and assessing its scholarly community. Some metrics are specific to journals; others can apply more generally. Before applying any metric to books, chapters, or papers, it is essential first to understand its context and make an informed decision about which ones you use.

While ISI’s Journal Citation Report is the most widely utilized bibliometric tool, other instruments exist. One such bibliometric tool is the rank algorithm. It offers more comprehensive ranking capabilities by considering journal citation frequency and its influence within a field. It is similar to ISI Journal Citation Reports but more widely accessible and features more journals in its rankings.

The impact factor measures the average number of citations a journal receives over two years and indicates its overall quality and ability to attract high-quality research work. However, one should remember that an impact factor does not reflect individual article quality; more influential journals tend to have higher impact factors, which might not always apply across topics.

Impact Factor (IF)

The international journal of transportation science and technology scopus index measures the frequency with which documents published in a journal are cited, providing a key indicator of its quality and influence. Calculated by Clarivate Analytics annually and updated based on 2022 Journal Citation Report data, its value also serves to rank journals within various subject categories.

The Impact Factor can be misleading when making comparisons between fields. For instance, journals in natural sciences might have lower IF scores than journals in social science or medicine – but that does not indicate lower quality; more relevant indicators of journal quality include its H Index rating and article citation counts.

Other metrics have also been developed to assess the impact of research publications, such as the SNIP score. This provides a more balanced measurement of individual papers’ influence by taking into account all citations to them that appear outside their journal of origin, taking into account size considerations as well, thus making comparisons across disciplines more accurate.

SJR (Simple Journal Ranking Ratio) is another metric that uses a weighted average of the citations received by journals relative to competitors. This more sophisticated measure considers variations between disciplines about citation practices, making it an excellent alternative to JIF and for assessing journals of different sizes.

The impact factor (IF) has long been controversial, and many scholars doubt its validity. Of particular concern is its tendency to reward researchers who publish in highly-recognized journals while discouraging research done elsewhere; this can create incentives for faculty to concentrate their research efforts in those journals that produce higher impact scores; this also encourages faculty members to focus on building research with more prestige for higher impact scores – increasing their IF scores in turn. Another major criticism against it is bias against specific fields or academic institutions.


The H-Index is a commonly used metric to assess an author’s research impact. It measures this using their published papers that have been cited at least several times; the higher this index number is, the more influential an author is. Various methods exist to calculate an h-index score; Elsevier Scopus and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science are popular options, while Google Scholar can also be utilized. However, remember that these estimates do not consider all aspects of research impact over time.

The h-index fails to take into account a writer’s full range of publications and can be misleading for researchers who regularly publish yet receive few citations – especially meeting abstracts and reviews that do not receive quotations; furthermore, it does not account for publications by colleagues that might skew its results; it can also be difficult comparing h-indices between authors with different seniority or disciplines.

An increase in h-index could influence researchers to choose “hot” research topics, likely attracting attention and distorting scientific findings. Furthermore, such an index could incentivize scientists to publish paper after paper to boost their scores and maintain an h-index score; again, as this index can change depending on current scholarly fashion, scientists must keep pace with changing style in their field of research.

Although limited in scope, the h-index remains an indispensable indicator for academics. Though not definitively representative of one’s career or productivity, its value lies in being used as an indicator. A few simple steps can help an academic increase their h-index:

Impact Score (IS)

The International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology is an academic publication focused on designing, operating, and managing transportation systems. It covers public and private transport and their socioeconomic and environmental effects and serves researchers from fields like automotive engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering, policy planning & economics, and psychology. Both print and online versions can be found here and have ISSN numbers 20460430/46449, respectively.

An impact score measures the average frequency a journal was cited over two years; higher scores indicate more influence. Calculations may include counting articles published within that journal year and citations to articles written within that year – this will result in ranking journals by subject category, with top-ranked ones receiving the most medals.

Impact Factors published annually by Thomson Scientific are announced in their Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database. Their values are calculated based on data from Scopus but may differ slightly from impact factors calculated using metrics like h-index or other sources, like SNIP or SJR.

Although these metrics can be helpful, they do not represent an infallible way to evaluate a journal’s influence and assess research quality. Furthermore, their accuracy can fluctuate significantly from year to year depending on changes to data sources and other factors, such as changes to journal citation rates due to changes in other sources’ reference lists that cite it.

Clarivate’s Web of Science competed directly with Elsevier’s Scopus about impact metrics. Both platforms employ their own sets of measures for evaluating journal quality; however, these cannot be directly comparable; Scopus includes more open-access journals from Global South regions, while Web of Science adheres to stricter inclusion standards.


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