Social Media Ideas to Get Your Business Noticed


Fun content such as memes and GIFs is an effective way to increase engagement. Infographics also serve well for providing step-by-step guides or industry statistics. The best way to buy real Instagram followers.

Tagging posts also works well to generate more responses and potential customers. Sending congratulations or wishes directly to partners, niche influencers, or employees can also draw more interest in your product or service.


Launching social media contests can effectively promote your business and increase engagement, helping it expand faster. But coming up with new content ideas can be difficult.

Caption Contests: Host an image contest where users submit captions. The best caption will win a prize, which can be an effective and straightforward way to engage your target audience.

Challenge Contests: These contests can be an effective way to encourage user-generated content creation and can range from asking your followers to submit photos or videos using your products to more complex events like the “try the hook step challenge.”

Daily Tips/Hacks: Regularly sharing quick, helpful advice with your audience can be an engaging way to build brand recognition and draw in new customers.


AMA sessions, where influencers and celebrities respond to fan questions on social media, are an engaging way to increase interaction and drive engagement on the platforms. Furthermore, they’re great tools for brands and businesses looking to increase brand recognition or showcase expertise in a specific field.

Playlists: Social posts that feature playlists can be an easy and engaging way to engage your target audience. Try sharing playlists related to your niche or music you enjoy.

Motivational posts: Inspire and engage your followers with inspiring quotes, stories, or videos by posting motivational quotes or reports, images, or fill-in-the-blank questions to boost engagement on your pages. Adding images can make these posts even more effective!

Challenges: From ice bucket challenges to TikTok dance competitions, creating content with challenges is an effective way to grab people’s attention and generate buzz about your brand. Additionally, you can even develop challenges that align with your values!

Company Culture

Company culture posts can be an effective way to demonstrate your business as an employer. But you must select the appropriate channels. LinkedIn provides an ideal forum for publicly commending employees on their achievements or showing photos from office parties. At the same time, Facebook can be more suitable for posting in-depth material, such as videos of employees working remotely or locally.

While it can be tempting to promote your corporate culture through pictures of office axe-throwing parties, this content can be inauthentic and dissuade applicants from applying. Instead, more compelling content would show off an employee-friendly atmosphere, encouraging team members to interact with your social media profiles and share related posts.


Memes are viral online and can boost social media engagement when used correctly. Memes can take the form of images or videos uploaded directly onto social media channels, links, hashtags, or even intentionally misspelling words/phrases (e.g., deliberate misspelling); even an entire website could serve as memes!

Memes can demonstrate your knowledge of your audience and brand in a fun, entertaining way while helping it stand out in an often overstuffed social feed.

According to a Sprout Social survey, humor content types were found to drive engagement on brands’ social accounts the most effectively. Finding an engaging meme or two can help your brand establish loyal fans and boost brand recognition. Be sure to know your target audience before effectively employing this humor.

Trending Topics

Trending topics are an effective way to keep your social media content fresh and engaging, whether memes, hashtags, or posts commemorating special occasions such as weekends. Be wary not to overuse such posts, though, as your followers could quickly tire of them!

Utilizing tools such as Exploding Topics to identify search terms that are growing increasingly popular is another helpful way of keeping your social media feeds from feeling too static.

Celebrating brand milestones and accomplishments can be an engaging way to generate content for your followers. Whether your business was featured in a major publication, or achieved new sales goals, sharing these victories shows your audience, you are dedicated to your company, increasing trust amongst them and building lasting relationships.

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