What Really Works in Email Marketing (and Why)


I figured I’d get this out of the way first: email marketing is the most effective way to make money online. Even if Google de-indexes your blog, your advertisers stop using it as a conduit for ads, and your marketing efforts fail, you still have your mailing list, which you can continue to develop and monetize indefinitely.

Make the Fish Bite, and Bring Them In

To get individuals to join your email list, you must first offer them something of value. When I first set up my website, I placed an opt-in form on it and wondered why nobody was using it. I assumed that new users would automatically sign up by including my code on the page. I found that out the hard way!

Then I had the idea for a 7-day E-Course, where the subscriber would receive daily emails for seven days explaining how to create a blog and monetize it. The number of people subscribing to my newsletter increased after I did this.

Initially, giving away a high-quality resource for free did not appeal to me; after researching, I discovered that many other bloggers felt the same way. The following are some topics to think about while designing a signup bonus:

Have an excellent title and make it topical; this is step one. People won’t join up if they can’t immediately see what’s in it for them.

Make it noticeable by giving it a cover, polishing its presentation, and making it visually appealing.

Third, if individuals notice that others have subscribed, that will enhance your sign-ups (similar to the “sheep factor”).

Setting up an Automated Response Series

After deciding what to give away for free to your readers, the next step is to compose a large number of emails that they will receive over time.

This is essentially a newsletter; thus, the primary reason someone would want to sign up for it is the promise of future emails.

This is all the reader would get if you merely sent out one or two items. They’d receive their freebie, and you and your blog would be forgotten approximately 80 percent of the time. There is a strong probability that they will check their inbox and be reminded of who you are and what you do if you send them emails frequently. This will pique people’s interest and get them thinking about purchasing from you.

The Thank You Note and Receipt

When someone subscribes to your blog, the initial auto-responder message you send them should be a warm “Thank You” message that introduces them to you and your blog. Include your social media handles and suggest postings that will serve as a springboard for them.

In addition to sending a thank-you email, it’s a good idea to include a thank-you website with links to recommended products to help them get started. Upselling this way is quite effective because you may insert your affiliate links and earn more money.

List-Based Income Generation 3.

Now the stakes are high indeed! When someone joins my mailing list, I explain what they will receive and how it will help them. With an email opt-in, it’s now, or never, so you must ensure you do it correctly the first time.

The most effective strategy, in my opinion, is to use affiliate links to sell things that YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH AND WOULD RECOMMEND TO OTHERS IN YOUR NICHE. Your emails and content will sound less like a sales pitch when you’ve used what you’re writing about. The more accurate you come across, the more likely it is that the customer will purchase from you.

The Fourth Law of No Leaks

Since this is a frequently skipped section, let me summarize it into its most straightforward words. Your primary objective should be to direct traffic to the merchant’s page rather than other resources, such as product information sites or review articles. If the landing page for your offer is excellent, the customer is already halfway persuaded and will likely make a purchase. The remaining 50% might be attained with the help of a captivating landing page.

5 Rules for Effective Email Marketing.

So, I thought I’d outline some essential guidelines every Webmaster should follow when communicating with their mailing list subscribers. The structure will eventually collapse if even one of these guidelines is disregarded.

First of all, you should never, ever spam your list. Everyone despises spam, and losing a regular reader or buyer to make a few extra dollars in affiliate commissions is terrible. The stronger your connection to the customer, the more likely they are to make additional purchases in the future.

Second, show some personality when writing for your blog or email list. You’re not a robot; inject some personality into your blogging and promotion strategies to show your readers that you care.

Third, you should give your readers nothing but the best. Please don’t be scared to over-deliver, no matter how long it may take, especially in a competitive field like generating money blogging.

The fourth principle is always using the same format for your email newsletters. This relates to the no spam rule since people will ignore your emails even if you have the best things if you send them daily. The optimal frequency is three times each week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Finally, it would be best never to give or sell your list to anyone. EVER! You place a high value on your email list and an even higher value on your readers’ trust.

Alihan Yildirim is a full-time blogger who enjoys creating new websites and inspiring others. If you appreciate what he’s made, he has a present in store for you. Join us for our free 7-day e-course, and we’ll show you how to create a website, market it, and start making money online in no time. You don’t need specialized training, just a strong will to win.

Join [http://bloggingtowin.com] now at no cost to start your blog!

Keep in mind that the only one holding you back is yourself.

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